Important Points of NCERT
🌟 Important Points of NCERT 🌟 1. 1770 : Joseph Priestley - Essential role of air in growth of green plant. 2. 1774 : Joseph Priestley - Discovered O2. 3. 1831 : Robert Brown - Ist discovered and described nucleus. 4. 1838 : Schleiden (German Botanist) - Work on plants. 5. 1839 : Schwann(British Zoologist) - Work on both plants & animals. 6. 1855 : Rudolf Virchow - Omnis cellula-e-cellula (cells arises from pre-existing cells). 7. Life originate from pre-existing life : Pasteur (Yeast). 8. Life originate from non-living (decaying & rotting matter) : Spontaneous generation. 9. Life originate from pre-existing non-living organic molecules (RNA, Protein)- Oparin (Russia) & Haldane (England)- Chemical Evolution. 10. 1856 - 1863 : Mendal experiment on garden pea. (7 years) 11. 1860 : Julius von Sachs - Developed hydroponics. 12. 1865 : Mendal published his work. 13. 1866 : L...