Object Oriented Programming In C++ (CPP) || Programming in C++

           Object Oriented Programming In C++ (CPP)

                                  Programming in C++

Introduction to C++ 

• C++ programming language developed by AT&T Bell Laboratories in 1979 by Bjarne Stroustrup. C++ is fully based on Object Oriented Technology i.e. C++ is ultimate paradigm for the modeling of information. 

• C++ is the successor of C language. 

• It is a case sensitive language.

Character Set- Set of characters which are recognized by c++compiler i.e Digits (0-9), Alphabets (A-Z & a-z) and special characters + - * , . “ ‘ < > = { ( ] ) space etc i.e 256 ASCII characters.

Tokens- Smallest individual unit. Following are the tokens

• Keyword- Reserve word having special meaning the language and can’t be used as identifier. 

Identifiers-Names given to any variable, function, class, union etc. Naming convention (rule) for writing identifier is as under: 

i. First letter of identifier is always alphabet. 

ii. Reserve word cannot be taken as identifier name. 

iii. No special character in the name of identifier except under score sign ‘_’. 

Literals-Value of specific data type assign to a variable or constant. 

Four type of Literals: 

i. Integer Literal i.e int x =10 

ii. Floating point Literal i.e float x=123.45 

iii. Character Literal i.e char x= ‘a’, enclosed in single quotes and single character only. 

iv. String Literal i.e cout<< “Welcome” , anything enclosed in double quotes 

Operator – performs some action on data Arithmetic(+,-,*,/,%) 

Assignment operator (=)

Increment / Decrement (++, --)

Relational/comparison (<,>,<=,>=,==,!=).


Conditional (? :) 

Precedence of Operators:

Punctuation – used as separators in c++ e.g. [ { ( ) } ] , ; # = : etc


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