1. Introduction 

In p-block elements the last electron enters the outermost p orbital. As we know that the number of p orbitals is three  and, therefore, the maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in a set of p orbitals is six. Consequently there are six groups of p–block elements in the periodic table numbering from 13 to 18. Boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine and helium head the groups. Their valence shell electronic configuration is n s²
np¹-6(except for He).

The inner core of the electronic configuration may, however, differ. The difference in inner core of elements greatly influences their physical properties (such as atomic and ionic radii, ionisation enthalpy, etc.) as well as chemical 
properties. Consequently, a lot of variation in properties of elements in a group of p-block is observed. The maximum oxidation state shown by a p-block element is equal to the total number of valence electrons (i.e., the sum of the s- and p-electrons). Clearly, the number of possible oxidation states increases towards the right of the periodic table. In addition to this so called group oxidation state, p-block elements may show other oxidation states which normally, 
but not necessarily, differ from the total number of valence electron by unit of two. The important oxidation states exhibited by p-block elements. In  boron, carbon and nitrogen families the group oxidation state is the most stable state for the lighter elements in the group. However, the oxidation state two unit less than the 
group oxidation state becomes progressively more stable for the heavier elements in each group. The occurrence of oxidation states two unit less than the group oxidation states are sometime attributed to the ‘inert pair effect’.

The relative stabilities of these two oxidation
states – group oxidation state and two unit less
than the group oxidation state – may vary from
group to group and will be discussed at
appropriate places. It is interesting to note that the non-metals and metalloids exist only in the p-block of the periodic table. The non-metallic character of elements decreases down the group. In fact the heaviest element in each p-block group is the most metallic in nature. This change from non- metallic to metallic character brings diversity in the chemistry of these elements depending on the group to which they belong. 
In general, non-metals have higher ionisation
enthalpy and higher electronegativities than
the metals. Hence, in contrast to metals which
readily form cation, non-metals readily form
anions. The compounds formed by highly
reactive non-metals with highly reactive metals
are generally ionic because of large differences
in their electronegativities. On the other hand,
compounds formed between non-metals
themselves are largely covalent in character
because of small differences in their electro negativities. The change of non-metallic to metallic character can be best illustrated by 
the nature of oxides they form. The non-metal
oxides are acidic or neutral whereas metal
oxides are basic in nature.

The first member of p-block differs from the
remaining members of their corresponding
group in two major respects. First is the size
and all other properties which depend on size.
Thus, the lightest p-block elements show the
same kind of differences as the lightest s-block
elements, lithium and beryllium. The second
important difference, which applies only to the
p-block elements, arises from the effect of d-
orbitals in the valence shell of heavier elements
(starting from the third period onwards) and
their lack in second period elements. The
second period elements of p-groups starting
from boron are restricted to a maximum
covalence of four (using 2s and three 2p
orbitals). In contrast, the third period elements
of p-groups with the electronic configuration
3s² 3pn have the vacant 3d orbitals lying between the 3p and the 4s levels of energy. 
Using these d-orbitals the third period elements can expand their covalence above  four. For example, while boron forms only [BF4] – , aluminium gives [Al F 6] 3– ion. The presence of these d-orbitals influences the chemistry of the heavier elements in a number of other ways. The combined effect of size and availability of d orbitals considerably influences the ability of these elements to form π bonds. The first member of a group differs from the heavier members in its ability to form p π - p π multiple bonds to itself ( e.g., C=C, C≡C, N≡N) and to other second row elements (e.g., C=O, C=N, C≡N, N=O). This type of π - bonding is not particularly strong for the heavier p-block elements. The heavier elements do form π bonds but this involves d orbitals (d π – p π or d π –d π ). As the d orbitals are of higher energy than the p orbitals, they contribute less to the overall stability of molecules than does p π - p π bonding of the second row elements. However, the coordination number in species of heavier elements may be higher than for the first element in the same oxidation state. For example, in +5 oxidation state both N and P form oxo anions : N O 3 – (three-coordination with π – bond involving one nitrogen p-orbital) and 3 P O 4 − (four coordination involving s, p and d orbitals contributing to the π – bond). In this unit we will study the chemistry of group 13 and 14 elements of the periodic table.


This group elements show a wide variation in
properties. Boron is a typical non-metal, aluminium is a metal but shows many chemical similarities to boron, and gallium, indium, thallium and n i h onium are almost exclusively metallic in character. Boron is a fairly rare element, mainly occurs as o r t h o boric acid, (H3 BO3), borax, Na 2B4O7·10H2O, and k er nite, Na 2B4 O 7·4H2O. In India borax occurs in P u g a Valley (La d a k h) and Sambhar Lake (Rajasthan). The abundance of boron in earth crust is less than 0.0001% by mass. There are two isotopic forms of boron 10B (19%) and 11B (81%). Aluminium is the most abundant metal and 
the third most abundant element in the earth’s
crust (8.3% by mass) after oxygen (45.5%) and
Si (27.7%). Bauxite, Al 2 O 3. 2H2O and cryolite,
Na 3AlF6 are the important minerals of aluminium. In India it is found as mica in 
Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Orissa and
Jammu. Gallium, indium and thallium are less
abundant elements in nature. N i h onium has
symbol N h, atomic number 113, atomic mass
286 g /mole and electronic configuration [Rn]
5f¹⁴ 6d¹0 7s² 7p². So far it has been prepared 
in small amount and half life of its most stable
isotope is 20 seconds. Due to these reasons its
chemistry has not been established. N i h onium is a synthetically prepared radioactive element. Here atomic, physical and chemical properties of elements of this group leaving n i h onium are discussed below. 

1. Electronic Configuration

The outer electronic configuration of these
elements is n s 2 np ¹ . A close look at the 
electronic configuration suggests that while
boron and aluminium have noble gas
core, gallium and indium have noble gas plus
10 d-electrons, and thallium has noble gas
plus 14 f- electrons plus 10 d-electron cores.
Thus, the electronic structures of these
elements are more complex than for the first
two groups of elements discussed in unit 10.
This difference in electronic structures affects
the other properties and consequently the
chemistry of all the elements of this group.

2. Atomic Radii

On moving down the group, for each successive
member one extra shell of electrons is added
and, therefore, atomic radius is expected to
increase. However, a deviation can be seen.
Atomic radius of G a is less than that of Al. This
can be understood from the variation in the
inner core of the electronic configuration. The
presence of additional 10 d-electrons offer
only poor screening effect (Unit 2) for the outer
electrons from the increased nuclear charge in
gallium. Consequently, the atomic radius of
gallium (135 pm) is less than that of aluminium (143 pm). 

3. Ionization Enthalpy 

The ionisation enthalpy values as expected
from the general trends do not decrease
smoothly down the group. The decrease from
B to Al is associated with increase in size. The
observed discontinuity in the ionisation enthalpy values between Al and G a, and between In and T l are due to inability of d- and f-electrons ,which have low screening effect, to compensate the increase in nuclear charge. The order of ionisation enthalpy, as expected, is ∆i H1<∆i H2<∆i H3. The sum of the first three ionisation enthalpy for each of the elements is very high. Effect of this will be apparent when you study their chemical properties.
4. Electronegativity

Down the group, electronegativity first
decreases from B to Al and then increases
marginally. This is because of the thallium discrepancies in atomic size of the elements. 

5. Physical Properties

Boron is non-metallic in nature. It is extremely
hard and black coloured solid. It exists in many
allotropic forms. Due to very strong crystalline
lattice, boron has unusually high melting point.
Rest of the members are soft metals with low
melting point and high electrical conductivity.
It is worthwhile to note that gallium with
unusually low melting point (303K), could
exist in liquid state during summer. Its high
boiling point (2676 K) makes it a useful material for measuring high temperatures. Density of the elements increases down the group from boron to thallium.


Certain important trends can be observed
in the chemical behaviour of group 13 elements. The tri-chlorides, bromides and iodides of all these elements being covalent in nature are hydrolysed in water. Species like tetrahedral [M(OH)4] – and octahedral [M(H2O)6] 3+, except in boron, exist in aqueous medium. The monomeric tri halides, being electron deficient, are strong Lewis acids. Boron trifluoride easily reacts with Lewis bases such as N H3 to complete octet around boron. F B :NH F B NH 3 + →← 3 3 3
It is due to the absence of d orbitals that the maximum covalence of B is 4. Since the d orbitals are available with Al and other elements, the maximum covalence can be expected beyond 4. Most of the other metal halides (e.g., Al Cl 3) are dim er i sed through halogen bridging (e.g., Al 2Cl6). The metal species completes its octet by accepting electrons from halogen in these halogen bridged molecules.


Boron being extremely hard refractory solid of
high melting point, low density and very low
electrical conductivity, finds many
applications. Boron fibres are used in making
bullet-proof vest and light composite material
for aircraft. The boron-10 (10B) isotope has high
ability to absorb neutrons and, therefore,
metal borides are used in nuclear industry as
protective shields and control rods. The main
industrial application of borax and boric acid
is in the manufacture of heat resistant glasses
(e.g., Pyrex), glass-wool and fibreglass. Borax
is also used as a flux for soldering metals, for
heat, scratch and stain resistant glazed coating
to earthenwares and as constituent of medicinal soaps. An aqueous solution of o r t ho boric acid is generally used as a mild antiseptic. Aluminium is a bright silvery-white metal, with high tensile strength. It has a high electrical and thermal conductivity. On a weight-to-weight basis, the electrical conductivity of aluminium is twice that of  copper. Aluminium is used extensively in 
industry and everyday life. It forms alloys with
Cu, M n, Mg, Si and Z n. Aluminium and its
alloys can be given shapes of pipe, tubes,
rods, wires, plates or foils and, therefore, find
uses in packing, utensil making, construction, aeroplane and transportation  industry. The use of aluminium and its  compounds for domestic purposes is now  reduced considerably because of their toxic  nature.


Carbon, silicon, germanium, tin lead and
f l e r o vi um are the members of group 14. Carbon is the seventeenth most abundant element by mass in the earth’s crust. It is widely 
distributed in nature in free as well as in the
combined state. In elemental state it is available
as coal, graphite and diamond; however, in
combined state it is present as metal
carbonates, hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide
gas (0.03%) in air. One can emphatically say
that carbon is the most versatile element in the
world. Its combination with other elements
such as dihydrogen, di oxygen, chlorine and
sulphur provides an astonishing array of
materials ranging from living tissues to drugs
and plastics. Organic chemistry is devoted to
carbon containing compounds. It is an
essential constituent of all living organisms.
Naturally occurring carbon contains two stable
isotopes:12C and 13C. In addition to these, third
isotope, 14C is also present. It is a radioactive
isotope with half-life 5770 years and used for
radiocarbon dating. Silicon is the second
(27.7 % by mass) most abundant element on
the earth’s crust and is present in nature in
the form of silica and silicates. Silicon is a very
important component of ceramics, glass and
cement. Germanium exists only in traces. Tin
occurs mainly as cassiterite, S n O2 and lead as
galena, P b S. F l er o v i u m is synthetically prepared radioactive element Ultra pure form of germanium and silicon  are used to make transistors and  semiconductor devices.


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