1. Introduction

Chemical equilibria are important in numerous biological and environmental processes. For example, equilibria involving O2 molecules and the protein hemoglobin play a crucial role in the transport and delivery of O2 from our lungs to our muscles. Similar equilibria involving CO 
molecules and hemoglobin account for the toxicity of CO. When a liquid evaporates in a closed container, molecules with relatively higher kinetic energy escape the liquid surface into the vapour phase and number of liquid 
molecules from the vapour phase strike the liquid surface and are retained in the liquid phase. It gives rise to a constant vapour pressure because of an equilibrium in which the number of molecules leaving the liquid equals the number returning to liquid from the vapour. We say that the system has reached equilibrium state at this stage. However, this is not static equilibrium and there is a lot of activity at the 
boundary between the liquid and the vapour. Thus, at equilibrium, the rate of evaporation is equal to the rate of condensation. It may be represented by H2O (l) H2O (vapour) 
The double half arrows indicate that the processes in both the directions are going on simultaneously. The mixture of reactants and products in the equilibrium state is called an equilibrium mixture

 Equilibrium can be established for both physical
processes and chemical reactions. The reaction may be fast or slow depending on the experimental conditions and the nature of the reactants. When the reactants in a closed vessel 
at a particular temperature react to give products, the concentrations of the reactants keep on decreasing, while those of products keep on increasing for some time after which there is no change in the concentrations of either of 
the reactant or products. This stage of the system is the dynamic equilibrium and the rates of the forward and reverse reactions become equal. It is due to this dynamic equilibrium stage that there is no change in the concentrations of various species in the reaction mixture. Based on the extent to which the reactions proceed to reach the state of chemical equilibrium, these may be classified in three groups. 


(i) The reactions that proceed nearly to
completion and only negligible concentrations of the reactants are left. In some cases, it may not be even possible to detect these experimentally. 

(i i) The reactions in which only small amounts
of products are formed and most of the reactants remain unchanged at equilibrium stage. 

(i i i) The reactions in which the concentrations
of the reactants and products are
comparable, when the system is in

The extent of a reaction in equilibrium
varies with the experimental conditions such
as concentrations of reactants, temperature,
etc. Optimisation of the operational conditions
is very important in industry and laboratory
so that equilibrium is favourable in the
direction of the desired product. Some
important aspects of equilibrium involving
physical and chemical processes are dealt in
this unit along with the equilibrium involving
ions in aqueous solutions which is called as
ionic equilibrium.



The characteristics of system at equilibrium
are better understood if we examine some
physical processes. The most familiar examples are phase transformation processes, e.g., 

                     solid= liquid
                     liquid =gas
                      solid = gas

              3. Solids in liquids

We know from our experience that we can
dissolve only a limited amount of salt or sugar
in a given amount of water at room
temperature. If we make a thick sugar syrup
solution by dissolving sugar at a higher
temperature, sugar crystals separate out if we
cool the syrup to the room temperature. We
call it a saturated solution when no more of
solute can be dissolved in it at a given
temperature. The concentration of the solute
in a saturated solution depends upon the
temperature. In a saturated solution, a
dynamic equilibrium exits between the solute
molecules in the solid state and in the solution:
Sugar (solution) Sugar (solid), and the rate of dissolution of sugar = rate of crystallisation of sugar. 

Equality of the two rates and dynamic
nature of equilibrium has been confirmed with
the help of radioactive sugar. If we drop some
radioactive sugar into saturated solution of
non-radioactive sugar, then after some time
radioactivity is observed both in the solution
and in the solid sugar. Initially there were no
radioactive sugar molecules in the solution
but due to dynamic nature of equilibrium,
there is exchange between the radioactive and
non-radioactive sugar molecules between the
two phases. The ratio of the radioactive to non-
radioactive molecules in the solution increases
till it attains a constant value.

          4. Gases in liquids

When a soda water bottle is opened, some of
the carbon dioxide gas dissolved in it fizzes
out rapidly. The phenomenon arises due to
difference in sol ability of carbon dioxide at
different pressures. There is equilibrium
between the molecules in the gaseous state
and the molecules dissolved in the liquid
under pressure i.e., CO 2 (gas) CO 2 (in solution) . 

This equilibrium is governed by Henry’s
law, which states that the mass of a gas
dissolved in a given mass of a solvent at
any temperature is proportional to the
pressure of the gas above the solvent. This
amount decreases with increase of
temperature. The soda water bottle is sealed
under pressure of gas when its sol ability in
water is high. As soon as the bottle is opened,
some of the dissolved carbon dioxide gas
escapes to reach a new equilibrium condition
required for the lower pressure, namely its
partial pressure in the atmosphere. This is how
the soda water in bottle when left open to the
air for some time, turns ‘flat’. It can be
generalised that:

(i) For solid liquid equilibrium, there is
only one temperature (melting point) at
1 a™ (1.013 bar) at which the two phases
can coexist. If there is no exchange of heat
with the surroundings, the mass of the two
phases remains constant.

(i i) For liquid vapour equilibrium, the
vapour pressure is constant at a given

(i i i) For dissolution of solids in liquids, the
sol ability is constant at a given

(i v) For dissolution of gases in liquids, the
concentration of a gas in liquid is
proportional to the pressure
(concentration) of the gas over the liquid.

5. General Characteristics of Equilibria Involving Physical Processes

For the physical processes discussed above,
following characteristics are common to the
system at equilibrium:

(i) Equilibrium is possible only in a closed
system at a given temperature.

(i i) Both the opposing processes occur at the
same rate and there is a dynamic but
stable condition.

(i i i) All measurable properties of the system
remain constant.

(i v) When equilibrium is attained for a physical
process, it is characterised by constant
value of one of its parameters. 

(v) The magnitude of such quantities at any
stage indicates the extent to which the
physical process has proceeded before
reaching equilibrium. 


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