Computer science MCQ questions Class 12 Python


1. When reading a file line by line, the exact contents can be printed by:

(A) Using readline ( ) (B) Using readlines ( )

(C) Using ‘,’ after every print statement (D) Both (A) & (B)

2. Choose the correct Python expression for the following mathematical expressions p+q/(r+s)4

(A) p+q / math.pow ((r+s), 4) (B) p+q/(r+s)^4

(C) p+q / math.pow (r+s,4) (D) (p+q) / math.pow (r+s)

3. Identify the correct statement for opening text file data.txt in total folder of c:drive in read mode.

(A) F = open (“c:\\total\\data.txt”, “r”) (B) F = open (“c:\total\data.txt”, r)

(C) F = open (“c:\total\data.txt”) (D) F = open (“\total\data.txt”, “r”)

4. A valid combination of atoms and operators forms a Python

(A) Statement (B) Expression

(C) Condition (D) None of these.

5. The default file open mode in Python is

(A) Write (B) Read

(C) Append (D) Read/write

6. In Python, a block is executed in an ....................

(A) Function (B) Module

(C) Py file (D) Execution frame

7. Consider the following code that reads a number and print its half, if it is an even number. If the

number is odd, the next number is printed.

 n = int (input (‘‘Enter a number :’’))

 if n % 2 = = 0 :

 print (‘‘The given number is even’’)

 print (‘‘The half of the number is ‘‘, n/2)


 print (‘‘The number is odd’’)

 print (‘‘The next number is’’, n + 1)

 Identify the statement with error in the above code.

(A) int (input (‘‘Enter a number :’’)) (B) if (n % 2 = = 0) :

(C) else (D) print (‘‘The next number is’’, n+1)

8. To execute two related operations as pair python provides:

(A) Dot notation (B) with statement

(C) with function (D) None of these.

9. Which of the following string function is used to convert first character of string to capital letter?

(A) capitalize() (B) upper()

(C) isupper() (D) lower()

10. Which of the following mode should be used to:

(i) Create a file if it doesn’t exist.

(ii) Existing file is not overwritten.

(iii) Both reading and writing can be done.

 Select your option so that all the above given criteria are met.

(A) r (B) a+

(C) w+ (D) r+

11. What is the truth value associated with None in Python ?

(A) True (B) False

(C) true (D) false.

12. _name_ contains:

(A) name of the Python programs

(B) name of the module

(C) name of the function from the imported module

(D) name of the variables

13. To write an object on to a binary file use:

(A) load() (B) write()

(C) dump() (D) unpickle

14. A non fruitful function returns:

(A) 0 (B) Null

(C) None (D) Void

15. ‘*’ operator can take which of the following set of values as operands ?

(I) 52, 36 (II) 52, ‘‘36’’

(III)‘‘52’’, 36 (IV)‘‘52’’, ‘‘36’’

(A) I (B) I, II & III

(C) I & III (D) I & IV

16. ....................... is a character that separates words or phrases in a line or record.

(A) comma (B) tab

(C) delimiter (D) None of these

17. The command print (str1) give output as Hello!

 How are you ?

 And the command len (str1) gives output— 19.

 Comment on the method of string initialization.

(A) str1 is a multiline string created with triple quotes.

(B) str1 is a multiline string created with a backslash.

(C) str1 is created with list()

(D) str1 is printed in such a way that it gives multiline output.

18. Python module that provides methods for file processing operations like renaming and deleting


(A) pickle module (B) file module

(C) IO module (D) OS module

19. Symbols that are used in programming languages to organize sentence structures, and indicate the

rhythm and emphasis of expressions, statements and program structure.

(A) Tokens (B) Punctuators

(C) Operators (D) Literals

20. For every name reference within a program, Python follows a name resolution rule called



21. Non-void functions:

(A) Return some value (B) Return void

(C) Do not have void in function header (D) None of these

22. sys.stdout.write( ) is used to write to :

(A) A file named sys.stdout (B) Monitor

(C) File named stdout (D) None of these

23. Variables defined in ‘main’ program are called

(A) Mains (B) Global variables

(C) Main variables (D) Local variables

24. Each line of text in a text file is terminated by ...................... .

(A) ‘\n’ (B) Carriage return

(C) Both (A) & (B) (D) Neither (A) nor (B)

25. After -, no tasks can be performed on that file through the file object.

(A) close () (B) read ()

(C) write () (D) open ()


26. Predict the output of code segment given below:

 when x = –1, y = –25, z = 80

 x = int (input (“Enter a number”))

 y = int (input (“enter another number”))

 z = int (input (“Enter yet another number”))

 if x < y < z :

 print (“Class A”),

 elif x > y > z :

 print (“Class B”),

 else :

 print (“Class C’’),

 print (“is what you get”)

(A) Class A is what you get (B) Class B is what you get

(C) Class C is what you get (D) None of these

27. Which of the following cannot be the output of random . randint (3, 10)

(A) 3 (B) 10

(C) 7 (D) 3.0

28. Predict the output

 if 5 :

 print (“smart enough”)

 else :

 print (“You have to be quick”)

(A) smart enough (B) smart enough

you have to be quick

(C) smart enough you have to be quick (D) You have to be quick

29. Identify the output of following expression


(A) 27 (B) 28

(C) 25 (D) 37

30. A file greetings.txt contains a word “GOOD”. What will be the contents of the file after execution

of the following code?

 fh=open(“greetings.txt”, “w”)



(A) Good Bye (B) GOOD BYE

(C) GOOD Bye (D) Bye

31. a = input (‘‘ Enter any number ’’)

 b = input (‘‘ Enter any number ”)

 c = a + b

 print (c)

Predict the output of the above code if input is 56 & 72

(A) 128 (B) 5672

(C) 120 (D) Error will be displayed.

32. Consider the following logical expression (7 > 5) or (50 < 100/0).

 What will this expression evaluate to ?

(A) Gives an error (B) False

(C) true (D) True

33. What will be the output of the following code fragment ?

 out = file (“Hello. txt”, “w”)

 out.write (“Hello, world /n”)

 out.write (“What are you doing ?”)


 file (“Hello. txt”). read ( )

(A) Hello, world (B) Hello, world/n

(C) Hello, world/n what are you doing ? (D) what are you doing

34. Predict the output

 for a in range (5) :


(A) 0 (B) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4





(C) 0 1 2 3 4 (D) 0






35. What is the output of the following code ?

 fh.file (“Hello txt”, “r”)

 size = len (fh. read ( ))

 print (fh. read (25))

(A) First 25 bytes of the file (B) No output

(C) Syntax Error (D) None of these

36. Identify the output of following code.

 x = 1998

 if x % 4 == 0 :

 print (“Leap year”)

 else :

 print (“Not leap year”)

(A) Leap year (B) Not leap year

(C) It is not a leap year (D) It is a leap year

37. What is the most probable output of randint(3, 10)?

(A) 3.045 (B) 4.789

(C) 7 (D) 10.56

38. What would be the output of the following lines of code?

 with open (“input.txt“, ‘w’) as f:

 f.write (‘Hello! Everyone‘)

(A) Syntax error

(B) File will be opened for writing, manipulated and then closed

(C) File will be opened for writing

(D) None of these.

39. Find the output of the following code fragment

 b = 7

 while (b > 0):

 print (“Yes”)

 b = b – 3


 print (“Got to go”)

(A) Yes Yes Yes (B) Yes



(C) Got to go (D) Yes

Got to go Yes

Got to go Yes

Got to go

40. str1 = “Be Good Do Good”

 print(str1[10: –12: –1])

 What will be the output of the above code?

(A) Syntax error (B) Nothing will be shown

(C) oD doo (D) None of these

41. Consider the code:

 def minus (total, decrement) statement 1

 output=total-decrement statement 2

 return output statement 3

 There is an error in:

(A) statement 1 (B) statement 2

(C) statement 3 (D) All of these.

42. What would be the output of the given code?

 a = “Wow”

 b = 5

 c = 15

 d = “29”


(A) Syntax error (B) 20 29 wow

(C) 51529 Wow (D) 5 15 29 wow

43. Predict the output of the following lines of code:

 import os




(A) Error (B) After reading the file it would be deleted

(C) Nothing will happen (D) None of these

44. What will be the output of the following Python code?


 def change(i):


 return i



(A) 1 (B) Nothing is displayed

(C) 0 (D) An exception is thrown

45. Is the following Python code valid?

 >>> a=(1,2,3)

 >>> b=a.update(4,)

(A) Yes, a=(1,2,3,4) and b=(1,2,3,4)

(B) Yes, a=(1,2,3) and b=(1,2,3,4)

(C) No because tuples are immutable

(D) No because wrong syntax for update() method

46. Consider a file “firts.txt” with following contents:

 This is our first line.

 This is our first file.

 Thisis our first example.

 This is our first exam.

 Now read the below given code and tell us its output.

 fh=open(“first.txt”)–5,2) )


(A) This (B) Exam

(C) E (D) Ex

47. Consider the file “Hello.txt” containing the following data:

 “This is the time of the year when the whole world around you is painted with colours of ....”

 What would be the contents of the file after execution of the following lines of code?

 fh = open (“Hello.txt”, “a”)

 text = [“It seems everynook”, “end corners has been painted.”]


 fh.flush( )

 fh.close( )

(A) Nothing will be changed

(B) Contents of ‘text’ will be added to the beginning of file

(C) File will contain only the data of ‘text’.

(D) Elements of ‘text’ will be added after already existing contents.

48. What will be the output of the following Python code?

 myList = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

 for i in range(1, 6):

 myList[i - 1] = myList[i]

 for i in range(0, 6):

 print(myList[i], end = “ “)

(A) 2 3 4 5 6 1 (B) 6 1 2 3 4 5

(C) 2 3 4 5 6 6 (D) 1 1 2 3 4 5

49. What will be the output of the following Python code?

 def foo(x):

 x[0] = [‘def’]

 x[1] = [‘abc’]

 return id(x)

 q = [‘abc’, ‘def’]

 print(id(q) == foo(q))

(A) True (B) False

(C) None (D) Error



This section consists of 6 Questions (50-55) Attempt any 5 questions.

 Manjeet wrote a program to print Fibonacci series until ‘n’ value using while loop and value of n

entered by user. Help him to complete code for successfully run.

 n = _____ (input(“Enter the value of ‘n’: “)) # Statement 1

 a = 0

 b = 1

 sum = ____ # Statement 2

 count = 1

 _____ (“Fibonacci Series: “, end = “ “) # Statement 3

 while(count ___ n): # Statement 4

 print( ____ , end = “ “) # Statement 5

 count += 1

 a = b

 b = sum

 sum = _______ # Statement 6

50. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in line marked as Statement 1.

(A) float (B) string

(C) int (D) int.input

51. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in line marked as Statement 2.

(A) 1 (B) 0

(C) “ “ (D) –1

52. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in line marked as Statement 3.

(A) int (B) print

(C) output (D) input

53. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in line marked as Statement 4.

(A) != (B) >=

(C) <= (D) ==

54. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in line marked as Statement 5.

(A) sum (B) count

(C) a (D) b

55. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in line marked as Statement 6.

(A) a–b (B) b–a

(C) a+b (D) a*b


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