Computer science MCQ questions Class 12 Python


1. A bunch of bytes stored in some storage device like hard-disk etc. is:

(A) File (B) String

(C) Data (D) Input stream

2. Which type of the following statements is true about a Python module?

(1) It is independent grouping of code and data.

(2) It can be reused in other programs.

(3) It depends on other modules.

(A) 1 (B) 1&3

(C) 2 & 3 (D) 1,2&3

3. Select the correct syntax for opening a file in Python

(A) < file-object > = open (<filename>)

(B) < file-object > = open (< filename >, < mode >)

(C) Both (A) & (B)

(D) Neither (A) nor (B)

4. A text file stores information in ................ or ................. characters.

(A) ASCII, ISCII (B) Bits, English

(C) ASCII, Unicode (D) Letters, Numeric

5. Identify the incorrect statement for opening text tile data.txt in read mode.

(A) F = open ( r “c:\data.txt”) (B) F = open ( “c:\data.txt”,r )

(C) F = open ( “c:\data.txt”) (D) F = open ( “c:\data.txt”, “r”)

6. ..................... is a named logical environment holding logical grouping of related objects

(A) Name space (B) Module

(C) Function (D) Doc string

7. Which of the following functions is a built-in function in Python?

(A) seed() (B) sqrt()

(C) factorial() (D) print()

8. .................... governs the type of operations possible in the opened file.

(A) File object (B) File-mode

(C) File handle (D) File( )

9. Operators that require only one operand to operate upon :

(A) Unary operators (B) Binary operators

(C) Ternary operators (D) Boolean operators.

10. Write a single statement equivalent to:

 myobj=open(r1,“E:\poem.txt”, “r”)

(A) open(“E:\\poem.txt”, “r”) (B) open(r’E:\poem.txt’,read(38)

(C) file(“E:\\poem.txt”, “r”).read(38) (D) file(r’E:\poem.txt’, “r”)

11. The string whose each character is 2 bytes long:

(A) All strings (B) Triple quoted strings

(C) Multiline strings (D) Unicode strings

12. The ‘r+’ mode will:

(A) Enable both reading and writing. (B) Raise an error if the file doesn’t exist.

(C) Over write the already existing file. (D) Both (A) & (B)

13. For the operator ‘+’, the valid pairs of operands will be :

(A) Hello, World (B) 56, 89

(C) Hello, 56 (D) Both A & B.

14. import statement is used with, which type of python functions?

(A) Built in functions (B) Functions defined in modules

(C) User defined functions (D) All of these

15. ) is used to read from:

(A) File named sys.stdin (B) Keyboard

(C) File named stdin (D) None of these

16. What is the scope of a variable declared in top level segment (– main –) of a program ?

(A) Global (B) Local

(C) Depends on its used (D) None of these.

17. Consider the code:

 def minus ( total, decrement) – statement 1

 output = total- decrement – statement 2

 return output – statement 3

 There is an error in:

(A) statement 1 (B) statement 2

(C) statement 3 (D) All of these

18. Consider the following code.

 def sum ( a, b): statement 1

 s = a + b statement 2

 return s statement 3

 n1 = int (input (“Enter a number”)) statement 4

 n2 = int (input (“Enter a number’)) statement 5

 sum = sum (n1, n2) statement 6

 print (“sum=”, sum) statement 7

 Choose the correct order of the execution of statements

(A) 1→2→3→4→5→6→7 (B) 1→2→3→4→5→7→6

(C) 6→7→1→2→3→4→5 (D) 4→5→6→1→2→3→7

19. Identify the incorrect form of import statement.

(A) from <module>import <object1>[,object2>,[...]]

(B) from <module> import <object>

(C) form <module> import all

(D) All of the above

20. ...................... are the variables that are listed within parentheses of a function header.

(A) Parameters (B) Arguments

(C) Values (D) None of these

21. .................... is a character that separates words or phrases in a line or record.

(A) Comma (B) Tab

(C) Delimiter (D) None of these

22. Identify the type of function statement from the syntax given below:

 <function name> (<value – to – be – passed – to – argument>)

(A) Function header (B) Function call

(C) Function definition (D) None of these

23. A variable pointing to a value of a certain type can be made to point to a value an object of

different type. This is called:

(A) Type Casting (B) Coercion

(C) Dynamic Typing (D) Assignment

24. Scope of a variables declared in a function body is

(A) Global (B) Local

(C) Depends on function call (D) None of these

25. Select the augmented assignment operator from the following.

(A) + = (B) < >

(C) >> (D) &.


26. What is the most probable output of random.randint (3, 10)?

(A) 3.045 (B) 4.789

(C) 7 (D) 10.56

27. What will be the output of the following Python code snippet?

(A) 1 A 2 B 3 C (B) 1 2 3

(C) A B C (D) 1:”A” 2:”B” 3:”C”

28. Given a file “lines.txt” as shown below:

 This is line 1

 This is line 2

 This is line 4

 What would be the output of the following code?


 f=file.readlines( )


 file.close( )

(A) [‘This is line1 \n‘, ‘This is line 2 \n‘, ‘\n’, ‘This is line 4’]

(B) [‘This is line1 \n‘, ‘This is line 2 \n‘, ‘This is line 4’]

(C) This is line1

This is line2

This is line4

(D) Syntax error

29. What will be the output of the following expression print (len (“covid-19”) / (len (‘2L’) + 2 * (–1)


(A) 2 (B) Zero Division Error

(C) 0 (D) 56

30. What would be the output of the following line of code ?

 f = open (r, “ c : /temp/data. txt”, “w”)

(A) A file data. txt will be opened in read & write mode.

(B) A file data. txt will be opened in write mode only if the file exists.

(C) A file data. txt will be opened in write mode, if it exists otherwise it would be created

(D) None of these

31. Identify the statements that would yield 2 as output.

(A) print (–5.0112) (B) print (–5.0/2)

(C) print (5/2) (D) print [(in) s.01/2]

32. Predict the output of (10 < 100) or (50 < 100/0)

(A) True (B) False

(C) Division by zero error (D) None of these

33. Consider a file myfile.txt as given below :

 This is the time of the year

 When the whole world around

 you is painted with colours

 of hues. It seems every mook

 and corner has been painted

 so beautifully by an expert artist.

 What would be the output of the following code ?

 myfile = open (r’ myfile. txt’, “r”)

 str = (30)

 print str

 myfile.close( )

(A) This will read first 30 characters from the file

(B) It will read first 30 bytes from the file and print them

(C) It will read the contents of the file 30 times

(D) It will place the file pointer at 30th character.

34. Predict the output

 for a in 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 :


(A) 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 (B) 10, 14, 16

(C) Syntax Error (D) 10





35. Predict the output of the following code for a=5

 def sumof3multiples1(n):


 return s

 a= int(input(“Enter a number”))


(A) 30 (B) 35

(C) No output will be shown (D) None of these.

36. Consider a file “data. txt” containing following text.

 I am line 1

 I am line 2

 I am the last one

 Following code segment will produce the output :

 F1 = open (“data.txt”, ‘r’)

 Filetext = F1. readlines ( )

 F1. close ( )

 print (Filetext [–1])

(A) ‘e’ (B) I am the last one

(C) Syntax error (D) None of these

37. Find the output of the below given code segment

 when x = –2, y = 25, z = 80

 x = int (input (“Enter a number”))

 y = int (input (“Enter another number”))

 z = int (input (“Enter yet another number”))

 if x < y < z :

 print (“stream 1”),

 elif x > y > z :

 print (“stream 2”),

 else :

 print (“stream 3”),

 print (“is selected for you”)

(A) stream 1 is selected for you (B) stream 1 is selected for you

(C) stream 3 is selected for you (D) stream 2 is selected for you

38. Predict the output of the below given code for a=2,b=3,c=9.

 def myfunc(x,y,z):


 return s

 print (myfunc(a,b,c))

(A) 26 (B) 21

(C) 19 (D) None of these

39. Analyse the following code and predict what it is meant for?

 longest = “ ”

 for l in file (“abc. txt”).readlines ( ) :

 if len (l > len (longest)):

 longest = l

(A) It will search for the longest word in file

(B) It will search for the longest line in file

(C) It will find length of the longest word in file

(D) It will find length of the longest line in file

40. Consider the following program code :

 str_dividend = input (“Enter dividend”)

 str_divisor = input (“Enter divisor”)

 int_dividend = int (str_dividend)

 int_divisor = int (str_divisor)

 if int_divisor = = 0 :

 print “Division by zero not possible”

 if int_divisor ! = 0;

 print (str_dividend, “/”, str_divisor, “=”, int_dividend/int_divisor)

 print (“Thank you”)

predict its output for input 45, 1

(A) 45 (B) 45.0

(C) Syntax Error (D) None of these

41. Predict the output of the following code:

 def CtoF(c):

 temp =c/5.0*9+32

 return temp

 temp = CtoF (25)

 print (temp)

(A) 77.0 (B) 32.55

(C) Error (D) None of these

42. What will be the output of the following code fragment ?

 out = file (“Hello. txt”, “w”)

 out. write (“Hello, world /n”)

 out. write (“What are you doing ?”)

 out.close( )

 file (“Hello. txt”). read ( )

(A) Hello, world (B) Hello, world/n

(C) Hello, world/n what are you doing ? (D) What are you doing

43. Predict the output of the given code.

 if not 5 :

 print (“Smart/n”)

 print (“Quick”)

(A) Smart (B) Smart

(C) Smart Quick (D) Quick

44. Predict the flow of execution of the following code:

 def sum(a,b): ......-> 1

 return(a+b) ......-> 2

 print (sum(2,3)-sum(4,5)) ......-> 3

(A) 1->3->2->3->2->3 (B) 3->-1->2

(C) 3->2->3 (D) 1->2->3

45. What is the output of the following code ?

 f=open(“Myfile.txt”, ‘r’)

 s=f.readline( ).split( )

 If the line “Myfile. txt” contains the year 2020 brought with it what no one would have imagined.”

(A) [The’, ‘year’, ‘2020’, ‘brought’, ‘with’, ‘it’.]

(B) What no one would have imagined

(C) [‘The’, ‘year’, ‘2020’, ‘brought’, ‘with’, ‘it’, ‘what’, ‘no’, ‘one’, ‘would’, ‘have’, ‘imagined’]

(D) syntax error

46. Predict the output of the below given code

 def func(x,y)

 return (x*y)



(A) 50 (B) Nothing will be shown

(C) Syntax error (D) None of these

47. (“hello”) == 25/5 or 20/10. Predict the output.

(A) True (B) False

(C) Error (D) None of these

48. What is the output of the following code ?

 fh=file (“Hello.txt”, “r”)

 size = len ( ( ))

 print (fh. read (25))

(A) First 25 bytes of the file (B) No output

(C) Syntax Error (D) None of these

49. Predict the output:

 for k in range (7,2):

 print k

(A) 7 (B) 7

6 5

5 4

4 3

3 2

(C) 2 (D) Nothing will be shown








This section consists of 6 Questions (50-55) Attempt any 5 questions.

I. Karan wrote a program to check whether a number is palindrome or not. Help him to complete

code for successfully run.

 num=____ (input(“Enter a number:”)) #Statement 1


 rev=____ #Statement 2

 while(num __ 0): #Statement 3

 dig=num% ____ #Statement 4


 num= _______ #Statement 5


 print(“The number is palindrome!”)

 _____ #Statement 6

 print(“Not a palindrome!”)

50. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in line marked as Statement 1.

(A) float (B) string

(C) int (D) int.input

51. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in line marked as Statement 2.

(A) 1 (B) 0

(C) “ “ (D) –1

52. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in line marked as Statement 3.

(A) < (B) >

(C) == (D) !=

53. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in line marked as Statement 4.

(A) 100 (B) 2

(C) 10 (D) 20

54. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in line marked as Statement 5.

(A) num//10 (B) num*10

(C) num/10 (D) num+10

55. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in line marked as Statement 6.

(A) else (B) elif

(C) else: (D) elif:


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