QUANTUM NUMBERS Orbitals represent regions in the space around the nucleus where the probability of finding the electron is maximum. A large number of electron orbitals are possible in atom. These can be distinguished by their size, shape and orientation of the orbitals. To describe each electron in an atom in different orbitals, we need a set of three numbers known as quantum numbers. These are designated as n, l and m. In addition to these three numbers another quantum number is also needed which specifies the spin of the electron. These four numbers are called quantum numbers. These are discussed below: 1. Principal quantum number (n) : This quantum number determines the main energy shell or level in which the electron is present. It is denoted by n. It can have whole number values starting from 1 such as n = 1, 2, 3, 4 ... This quantum number also identifies as shell. The shell with n 1 is called the first sh...
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